How to Capture the Beauty of the Micro World with a Macro Lens - Viltrox Store

How to Capture the Beauty of the Micro World with a Macro Lens

Have you ever wondered what the world looks like from the perspective of a tiny insect or a delicate flower? Have you ever wanted to capture the intricate details and textures of nature that are invisible to the naked eye? If so, you might be interested in macro photography, which is the art of photographing small subjects at close distances.

macro butterfly

What is a macro lens?

A macro lens is a special type of lens that is designed for macro photography. It can focus on very close objects and magnify them on the camera sensor. A macro lens usually has a high resolution and a low distortion, which are important for capturing sharp and accurate images of small subjects.

A macro lens is different from a normal lens in several ways. First, a macro lens can achieve a higher magnification ratio than a normal lens. The magnification ratio is the ratio between the size of the subject on the sensor and its actual size. For example, if a subject is 10 mm long and it occupies 10 mm on the sensor, the magnification ratio is 1:1, which means that the subject is reproduced at its actual size. A macro lens can achieve a magnification ratio of 1:1 or higher, while a normal lens can only achieve a lower ratio, such as 1:4 or 1:10.

Second, a macro lens can focus closer than a normal lens. The minimum focusing distance is the shortest distance between the lens and the subject that can be focused. A macro lens can focus as close as a few centimeters or even millimeters, while a normal lens can only focus as close as tens of centimeters or meters.

Third, a macro lens has a smaller depth of field than a normal lens. The depth of field is the range of distance in front of and behind the subject that appears sharp in the image. A macro lens has a very shallow depth of field, which means that only a small part of the subject is in focus, while the rest is blurred. This can create a dramatic effect that isolates the subject from the background and draws attention to its details.

How to use a macro lens?

macro lens

Using a macro lens can be challenging but rewarding. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Choose your subject carefully. Look for subjects that have interesting shapes, colors, patterns, or textures. You can find them in nature, such as flowers, insects, leaves, feathers, or water droplets. You can also find them in everyday objects, such as coins, jewelry, fabrics, or food.
  • Use a tripod. A tripod can help you stabilize your camera and avoid camera shake, which can ruin your image quality. A tripod can also help you compose your shot and adjust your focus more precisely.
  • Use manual focus. Manual focus can give you more control over your focus point and allow you to fine-tune your focus until you get the desired sharpness. You can use the live view mode or the magnification function on your camera to check your focus on the screen.
  • Use a small aperture. A small aperture can increase your depth of field and make more of your subject appear sharp. However, a small aperture can also reduce your light intake and make your image darker. You may need to use a longer shutter speed or a higher ISO to compensate for the loss of light.
  • Use external lighting. External lighting can help you illuminate your subject and create different effects. You can use natural light, such as sunlight or window light, or artificial light, such as flash or LED light. You can also use reflectors or diffusers to modify your light source and create softer or harder shadows.
  • Experiment with different angles and distances. You can try different perspectives and compositions to find the best way to showcase your subject. You can also try different magnification ratios and see how they affect your image.


Macro photography is a fascinating genre that can reveal the beauty of the micro world. A macro lens is an essential tool that can help you capture stunning images of small subjects at close distances. By following some basic tips and techniques, you can master the use of a macro lens and enjoy the fun and creativity of macro photography.

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