HSL color mode is an industrial color standard, which is used to obtain a variety of colors by varying the three attributes of hue (H), saturation (S), and lightness (L). This standard includes almost all colors perceived by human vision, and is one of the most widely used color systems.
The meaning of the color mode HSL values:
- Hue (H), Hue derived from the color plate, the value range is 0-360°, where 0 means red, 60 means yellow, 120 means green, 180 means cyan, 240 means blue, 300 means magenta, of course, you can set other values to determine the different colors.
- Saturation (S), is the degree to which the color is used, that is, the degree of color shades and vividness. It takes a value between 0% and 100%, where 0% means grayscale, no use of the color; 100% of the highest saturation, the most vivid colors.
- Lightness (L), takes a value between 0% and 100%, where 0% means the darkest, displayed as black; 100% is the brightest, displayed as a bright color.
Contrast with RBG color mode
RGB refers to a system representing the colors used on a digital display screen. where R stands for red, G stands for green, and B stands for blue, and any color can be matched by adjusting the values of the three colors.
The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display of images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, but it is not intuitive enough, because our perception of color is often "What color? Bright or dark?" HSL mode is based on the RGB color mode and was created more intuitively.