How to Update Your Firmware

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Step-by-Step Guide: Updating Your Windows Firmware (Text and Images)

1.Connect the Lens with a USB cable to your computer.


2.Find the“Viltrox DFU” disk on your computer.

3. Unzip the downloaded firmware file into a folder and open it. The red box in the picture is the firmware you want to update

4. Open the DeviceInformation.txt to check the current version.

5. Drag the firmware update file to the“Viltrox DFU” disk.

6. Wait till the progress bar reaches the end to complete the replication.


7.With replication completed, the “Viltrox DFU” disk will withdraw itself and update progress starts which lasts about 5 sec. Then “Viltrox DFU” disk will appear again and please repeat Step 2 to check the updated version.

Video Walkthrough: How to Update Windows Firmware Easily

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